The Suzuki Talent Education Association of WA has approximately 45 accredited teachers of Cello, Early Childhood, Flute, Guitar, Piano, Viola and Violin in Metropolitan and Country areas, and approximately 400 Family and Early Childhood members. There are currently 4 Suzuki teachers of Baby/Toddler Music in WA:

Families are required to join the Association when learning from a Suzuki Teacher.

STEAA(WA) relies on Member subscriptions and surplus funds made on our workshops and concerts. The money that the Association makes goes into funding further concerts, conferences and workshops, as well as administration, newsletters, flyers, mail-outs and ongoing Professional Development of our teachers.

The Association also runs regular play-a-longs, group sessions and concerts that are necessary for the development of the confidence of our students to perform in front of audiences. The earlier this process is started the better.  We encourage members to attend workshops and conferences as they offer excellent feedback to students on their techniques and ability.  Sometimes a different way of teaching a student can offer all sorts of insight.

We also have a library of Suzuki resources available for loan at the office.

Whether you are a teacher looking to become accredited, or a parent wanting to give your child this opportunity to learn music in a positive and loving environment, the Association offers a great deal of musical experience.


2024 Suzuki Association Membership

This membership entitles your family to learn a musical instrument by receiving the highest standard of teaching in the Suzuki method with a certified Suzuki method teacher.
$ 125 Annual
  • Opportunities to attend and receive input/support from a variety of highly qualified, specialist Suzuki teachers in lessons, workshops, concerts and group classes.
  • The opportunity to meet other families who are also committed to the Suzuki philosophy.
  • Participation in concerts and other performances including Suzuki Graduations.
  • Receive information on all WA Suzuki events in our e-newsletters and parent educational programs.
  • Access to the Suzuki Music WA library.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

Being a member of STEAA(WA) entitles you to a quarterly newsletter, the ability to attend various Workshops, Levels and Graduation Concerts. The quarterly Newsletter contains articles on past and upcoming events from all instruments, as well as general articles on the Suzuki method of teaching.  Check out our Membership Handout to see the benefit of Suzuki Membership.

If you wish to see our Constitution it can be viewed here.

STEAA(WA) is supported by the Australian Piano Warehouse, Zenith Music & Snaden’s Pianos.

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